There is a consciousness and creativity movement rising. People are more aware, they are questioning the given narratives and the way things have been done and reassessing their part.


    People want to live with purposeful intent. they want to feel aligned in what they do in the world and how they do it. People want to live purposefully, to do better. And experience life to the fullest.


    They are seeking connection; to themselves, to nature and to community. People are moving to co-creation and co-llaboration as the new norm. They are seeking discovery & experiences that enhance & inspire through nature therapy.


We believe that Nature is the source energy that has connected people to their bodies, their minds, their food, their communities for hundreds of thousands of years. We believe in the traditional wisdom that has come before us.

We love getting outdoors. We live where the country meets the sea on Wadawurrung Country | Surf Coast, Vic. We have friends that visit and we watch them decompress and expand.

Our solution was to give you the spaces to get back to nature to reconnect and the freedom to stay at the foot of the Otways, amidst the manna gums, swamp gums, black wattle and blackwood and deeply disconnect from the demands of modern life. Be invigorated by star-lit nights, the open skies, the joy warmth and connection of open fires and thoroughly relax and unwind in your intimate private bush setting. 

We believe in the art of self discovery. Our Guiding, Courses - Workshops & Retreats, are designed to support that self discovery, to inspire connection to mind, body, soul.

Our Workshops are designed to bring people together, to share knowledge, to learn new skills, to build community and community resilience.

Our Nature Stays are beautiful lo-fi rustic & creative abodes set in nature to allow you to slow down, re-treat & reconnect to nature & yourself. It’s this experience that we want to bottle, to share with others. The beautiful freedom of connecting with nature, of being at one with the elements - the earth, air, fire, water.

Our Nature Therapy, led by Jason, takes children back to nature, allowing them to feel themselves, identify their emotions and we work with the healing energy of nature to restore their balance and creativity.

Our vision is to create a holistic conscious environment connected to nature and community, offering healing, growing, creating & learning to support all men, women and children to experience their pure potential in harmony with natural lore.

Jason & Renee xx


  • My journey begun when my soul chose for me to be separated from my birth mother at birth. I was taken from my mother and she was not offered or given the opportunity to experience holding me in her arms. In 1969 the conscious collective wisdom was that no contact was the least painful disconnection path for adoption. The mother was less likely to change her mind and move into to her knowing of being responsible for her child. 

  • I experienced being rejected and disconnected from my source, my birth mother. I then went on to see life as though I was not only separate but disconnected, rejected and not wanted because I saw my life through the lens of being not enough (because if I was enough I wouldn’t be rejected. Although untrue, I developed a very limiting lens to make sense of my circumstances.) I was adopted out to very loving parents, Gaye and John, at 2 weeks of age who gave me all the love that one soul could ever ask for, but still I searched for acceptance and connection. I felt separate….and I found evidence for being not enough and disconnected everywhere. Even though there was reason to know otherwise all around me. For decades I carried the lens of inadequacy and separateness with me and in my late teens early 20's I found alcohol and drugs as an answer to numb this pain. The drugs also assisted me in reinforcing my view of being disconnected. To some degree, although functioning well in society, I became disconnected on a daily basis.

  • Around the age of 27, I began on the journey of discovering more about my beginnings. I discovered emotions and feelings that had been trapped in my body through years of conditioning and denial. I connected with an adoptee support group of other humans with similar backgrounds and in round circle meetings I got to discover first hand that many of the toxic and unreleased emotions that had been laden in me were consistently present in of all the participants…As though we had all been touched by the same spell. It was liberating to actually know that the feelings of disconnectedness, separateness, anger, despair and essentially a sense of betrayal from a system that didn’t hold the ability to look beyond its constraints to understand the damage that it created upon others through its systems and conditions. I was in the same era as the stolen generation and my parents were offered no choice. ….I discovered some of the unique truths around my birth parents circumstances and as this journey rolled on, and they were given no choice but to give me up and some of the harsh details around how they were treated in this system are shocking. Give up the child or be outcast as a sinner, degenerate and remain entirely un supported for the choice. Baby birthed, taken away before mother can make contact with no access to reach the child again. Wild really.

  • So in this journey I discovered my birth parents, more about their identities, their stories, the stories they had been told and I discovered that my parents went onto to be married for 20 years. But more significantly, prior to being married they gave birth to a daughter who was also taken for adoption. My Beautiful Sister….. Painfully our parents went onto live in a marriage without any children being born into that marriage and later divorced in their late 40’s. Our birth mother has never touched her children….she has not agreed to accept our offers of making contact. My sister and I have let her know we love her and that we are well. Our healing continues.

  • In my late 20’s I made contact with my Sister for the first time in the form of letter writing. This was a lovely, methodical and healing way to unravel a part of me that I didn’t know existed. She was in Canada at the time and then moved onto to Scotland… We wrote to each other regularly revealing and discovering new parts of ourselves with each letter. I remember opening each letter like it was a new and exciting part of my life being revealed each time. In my early 30’s, as 9/11 approached, my opportunity to act became clear. On the day of 9/11 I dropped into a few days of the deepest depression known to me, I saw the futility of living an unfulfilled life on a soul level. I snapped out of it by locking onto the decision that the next thing I was going to do was to meet my sister, no more waiting for the convenience of time for this to arrive, but to go about making this happen.….and not only meet her but avail myself to the opportunity of being near her and allowing for that relationship to develop over time as required. I purchased a one way ticket to Europe, kitted with a 4 year UK Ancestry Visa and began to share the truth of my intentions with all the people that my choices would impact. I took the time to share with those who felt threatened by my choices, like my adoptive parents and adopted brother. I operated in compassion and truth at the same time and allowed for change and nuances in the conversation as people processed their own emotions as this was unveiled to that part of them. I reduced all of my belongings to a few boxes. I left the loving relationship that I was in at the time as best I could. It wasn’t easy but part of me knew that the relationship was both formative and supportive and had for me run its course prior to this choice point. I am eternally grateful to that soul for the love and support she offered during this time. I consciously chose to do everything within my power to be responsible for my choice to head over to meet my sister and be overseas indefinitely.

  • And I was scared and very excited and energised by the whole thing. Three months later I boarded a plane to Paris, caught up with an inspiring friend named Ben Walker, then popped into meet a mate in Glasgow only to find myself a few days later sitting on a train heading towards the west coast of Scotland where in a few hours my Sister, Suzanne would be waiting. Holy Fuck! Everything was racing through me at the same time and I got to see it all. My soul was resolved to this journey and whatever my body was experiencing was just that. I remember the thought of feeling “shit, this is me maxed out” ….a combination of sitting on the start line of the Head of the river waiting for the starters gun,  going into to sit a VCE critical exam, going on my first date as a young man…..you name it every peak prior living experience piled into one moment. And yet there was this calm, this feeling of this is where my heart and soul are going, the body and its conditioning will balance in time. A minute was a very long time with everything in me being triggered under the surface. But it was the grounding force of knowing myself well enough to give myself this journey and feeling into that purpose that settled that under current and reduced the emotions and the chatter from being a raging torrent into an under current to be aware of.

  • I remember walking from the train carriage to see my sister and I kind of floated towards her and her to me, and we hugged and breathed from the same air from the first time and the journey begun.

  • This journey and what I leant from it…..Stepping away from the guaranteed safety of normalcy into uncertainty only to be met by the immense supportive power of the Devine universe is truly amazing.

  • I actually got to experience that energy of support and know it on a real level in my body and see it apply to my life over and over again. In my journey to meet my in sister and avail myself to be together with her as often as we chose to, I also became available to a whole world of opportunity. I started to learn to trust and follow the same intuition that lead me to my sister in other aspects of my life. In the following 10 years I met the most amazing and beautiful woman, we chose to birth 2 beautiful sons, we built our home for ourselves in Chamonix at the foot of Mt Blanc, we enjoyed a beach Villa just north of Biarritz, a place called Capbreton, next to Hossegor. My wife and I had our own businesses. Hers’ in marketing, mine in Building and renovating Architectural ski chalets for international clients in Chamonix and its nearby villages. And it all began from, not the single decision to meet my sister, but the single decision to listen to my inner voice, move into the uncertain and discover the joy of being met and supported in this realm time and time again. Life hadn’t become easier in any way. There were growing pains all the way, but the enjoyment, excitement and the acceleration of opportunity was quantum. We had no support from the government, our kids came everywhere we went, and we didn’t slow down on any of the aspects of life that brought us joy. Our eldest son had been to something like 12 countries by the time he was a year old. And technically we weren’t permitted to be in France. But day by day, year by year we made it work. We observed natural lore and honoured the true source that provides support and continued to step into an unknown future that didn’t pre exist but we created in each moment.

  • The inner urge in me to meet my Sister was strong enough to overcome the fear, conditioning and limiting lens that I had accepted prior. This was what propelled me to move beyond the comfort of the known into the uncertain. What I didn’t know prior, but know now is that as I stepped into this uncertainty, I would be met and supported along the entire way and that is the gift for all of us to step into if we choose to. In the years following and in meeting the love of my life, living so many amazing experiences, living in these wonderful places, climbing mountains, paragliding, skiing, surfing, travelling, exploring new terrain, sharing life with amazing people and the birth of our two beautiful sons all had a profound impact on my heart and it was here that I understood the feeling of being enough and connected, and this is the healing for me. I am an ever-learner and I am looking inward to learn about me and using my discernment and intuition to look outward to be inspired by traditional wisdom and spirituality. 

  • In November 2011, we returned to Australia to share our children with our family, the boys’ Grandparents, Uncles, Aunties and cousins. A year passed as we began to integrate into life in Australia. Things seemed overly familiar, like going back over well trodden ground. I had felt this energy before. However I had never seen it from the lens of meeting my Birth Father……. Something was calling like it had done so many times before….Although this was familiar ground, I had changed my operating system. My intuition called to me to follow. So I began the journey of finding my biological father. Life in Australia didn’t seem so familiar anymore. Sure it was the same place but wow it was intimidating and exciting at the same time. I felt vulnerable and challenged and inspired.

  • I discovered my father’s identity and his address and I wrote to him and he wrote back immediately and with so much love and beautiful articulation.

  • Upon stepping into the uncertain and by being open to all that is available I discovered an amazing man with a beautiful story who shone light on a hidden past and the healing and the growth and the expansion continued for all of us. My sister had moved onto to living in New Zealand at this time, and in time she would meet her Father for the first time, with a similar journey of healing not only for her, but on a deeper lever for our father and for me also. And that’s just the tip of a beautiful iceberg.

  • So in more recent times and particularly in my journey over the past 3 years life has been nothing short of profound. I like many, had the opportunity to question and investigate more deeply my purpose in life and what I am called to do to make a positive impact. As learned earlier my innate intuition and perception has always availed me the ability to understand what to do next and I have learnt to accept the courage of moving into the uncertain. I have for a long time been able to perceive the operating lenses that lead to another's suffering…. and until now, I have not known what to do with that. Something in me shifted. The journey that I have been on can be accessed to assist and guide others. From the first time I heard Peter Crone talk, his wisdom resonated with every part of my being. His ability to guide people to see their limiting lenses for themselves and help them to dissolve and release those almost immediately blew me away. I saw people literally transform in front of me as they realised the trap they had been stuck in…and instead of it taking 30 years, the transformation can happen very quickly. The integration of the new way of being uninhibited takes time and space to integrate, but the speed is quantum compared to the linear journey I understood.

  • When the Mind Architect, Peter Crone offered his Master Mind course for coaching to truly breath into, witness and embody his knowledge and methodology I did not hesitate. I was blessed to be given the opportunity to learn with the Master in his Master Mind course/coaching Edition. I am blessed to be able to put my intuitive gift into practise with the methodology of Peter Crone combined with all of my other learnings from life and great teachers throughout my journey to work with you towards realising your true pure potential. And unlike me who got to experience this knowing in linear time, through this amazing technique of guiding, what took me 30 years to reveal, can be accessed in quantum. In vertical ascension. As one part opens up, a quantum level of new opportunities arrive. As one limiting lens sitting hidden in the subconscious is revealed the weight of that can be released and dissolved and we get to experience more and more freedom. It’s like our true self, our conscious self is a hot air ballon sitting trapped on the ground, anchored by the hidden sand bags of limiting thought held in the unconscious. As this becomes visible for the first time the sand bags can be released and the ballon begins to rise and our view of the world no longer becomes static…seeing the same thing from the same place with the same living patterns playing out is a thing of the past. Instead as the limiting lenses are identified and cut free, dissolved, then the balloon of consciousness rises and we get to see everything from a new perspective, all the time. A new and exciting way of seeing the world becomes available to us in every moment. The static world that we were locked in becomes a distant memory. Sure we get to acknowlege, honour and operate with the winds of life and go with what it brings as we always have. And where we go and what becomes available to us is amazing, exciting unlimited Pure Potential.

I’d be honoured to help you find your new path.



  • My journey begun when my soul chose for me to experience the loss of my mother at the age of 6. I had 2 younger sisters and a loving father.

  • I experienced being disconnected from my mother, ahead of my father re-marrying in the pursuit of love and the hope of finding a new mother for my sisters and myself.

  • I inherited 2 new elder sisters with the merger of 2 families and alongside my younger sisters experienced emotional and physical abuse from my new step mother. Over the years I experienced fear and suffering and loss of self.

  • At the age of around 16 the new family unit divided and my absent working father, 2 younger sisters and I started a new life. I was happy with the divide and felt in many ways that this was my first rebirth. I still suffered having not fully grieved for my mother, coupled with the stifling pain of the emotional abuse from my step mother.

  • I always found joy in the simple things and was an avid drawer even throughout my teens and into early adulthood. I carried the lens of, “not being able” to do enough, around with me, not being able to protect my sisters, not being able to stand up for myself, the lens that I always had to do more.

  • I met Jason in Chamonix France in 2003 and we went on to establish a beautiful life for ourselves, having 2 beautiful children and running our businesses. Mine in marketing and his in building. We explored the innate beauty of mother nature, of ourselves and each other.

  • Returning to Australia in 2010 after the birth of our second son was a milestone moment to reconnect with our families and Melbourne as a city I had longed to rediscover. Emotions were high and I allowed work to be demanding. During this time, I put my perceived need to accumulate and provide ahead of the emotional needs of myself and my family. In 2016 I discovered I had an aneurysm, the same as my mother. I was 40 years old and I had won the life lottery. My life, my loves and my future was a dark shadow over me that Friday night in emergency. I decided then and there that the country house we were contemplating was exactly what I wanted and needed to do next. The universe shone a bright light at me that was undeniably a gift to reassess. I consider this my second rebirth. The week following my brain surgery we brought our home in the country by the sea. While I felt I understood the universal law of gratitude, I have never felt more so. I am forever grateful for the awakening and for what we have been able to establish offering our Nature Stays and experiences for others to enjoy a slice of connecting to nature and wisdom.

  • Alongside growing and nurturing beautiful young humans, my passion for gardening and growing is my current creative outlet. It allows me to connect with myself and in many respects is a favoured meditative healing practise.

  • The last 3years has offered yet another opportunity to reflect - on our purpose, on what is important, on my ongoing lense of not doing enough. I felt an immense need to reconnect with my 2 elder step sisters and have in the last 2years done so. The Illusion of my story to myself that their mother favoured them and treated them well was a lie. The beauty that has opened up to us has allowed the 5 of us to reconnect in the most loving, accepting way possible. Around a fire, we talked for the first time in over 30years, we shared the pain, the shame, the love, the joy. This blissful experience continues to shape me and the woman I am today. I continue my healing journey of my self child, addressing my fear at a sacral level. I tap into nature and traditional wisdom to facilitate this journey.

  • Our journey is now your journey, as we walk together to create our ultimate Pure Potential life.

Renee Smith